Training at Esker HQ, Lyon, and the Festival of Lights

The word “training” carries connotations that are reminiscent of our days in school – back to the classroom to listen, watch and learn, occasionally met with a groan or a sigh at the thought of the dreaded “T” word. However, the Esker new starter training is anything but dreaded. Taking place in a stunning metropolitan city in the south of France; Lyon.

New starters arrive to see Esker’s new head office, a modern and welcoming office that invites staff to work in an environment that embodies the company’s ethos – good vibes only. Although the week’s purpose is to educate new staff on the Esker solution there is considerably more to be taken away from the experience.

The dedicated training team work hard to ensure inclusivity and break down language barriers through an impressive ability to speak multiple languages.

The team create new and interesting ways to understand the Esker solution, for example, by using a very well known world leading building block! This is used to explain the cash conversion cycle and how Esker can solve the inevitable issues that are faced with manual document processes. Through the initial training you are not just taught what the Esker solution is, but also how Esker works as a company.

Despite having over 300 staff, the office still has a personal/ social atmosphere around it, with well thought out break out spaces, giving staff the opportunity to achieve the right balance between work and play.

If  you are lucky enough to visit Lyon in December, you won’t be able to miss the Festival of Lights. Additional to the spectacular architecture, Lyon hosts a visual festival that showcases 3D projections taking place on almost all of the larger buildings, that provide an atmosphere of wonder around the town. Equally as stunning is the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière. An impressive architectural display that is situated on a hillside looking over Lyon, providing visitors with the opportunity to capture the whole city in one view.

Chris Horsington

Chris is a Customer Experience Specialist at Esker. He has been part of the Esker family since 2018.

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