From the Roman era to modern day, postal mail is still relevant

Did You Know
The Emperor Augustus created the Cursus Publicus, which was the postal service of the Roman Empire. It was used as a means of communication with the governors of the various provinces in the vastly expanding Roman Empire. The amazing road structure that they had built enabled this incredible system of mail delivery across the global empire.

Business Mail Today
In our modern global society, email is often favoured as a quick and efficient means of sending messages and documents. However, postal mail is still popular, and often necessary. Businesses still require the ability to send postal mail to people across the world, quickly, efficiently and reliably.
However, the problems with traditional paper mail are time, manpower and accuracy. The need to have an in-house mail house can be costly and requiring maintenance. The item may also need to be tracked or archived, complicating things further.

Send postal mail in record time, then track it in real time

Esker Mail Services can solve all of these issues.
Esker Mail Services allows documents to be mailed directly from any ERP, desktop or other business application for worldwide delivery to postal services in less than 24 hours — making business mail 100% electronic for the sender. And Esker’s seven global mail facilities enable least-cost routing.
You can choose to deliver one document, or one million, sent when you want.

What’s more, documents processed by Esker are tracked with a unique identifier (included as a bar code on each page), so that businesses can be certain that the right document and number of pages were delivered to the right people.

The benefits of using Esker mail services are clear:
• Save money
• Send postal mail in record time
• Eliminate the errors of manual handling
• Mail one document or one million
• Increase productivity
• Archive mail safely, securely and electronically
• Seamlessly integrate with all applications

This helpful infographic explains more!

Amy Rees

As Digital Marketing Administrator at Esker Northern Europe, Amy spends her time working on the website, writing and publishing blogs and social media content, and publishing collateral. She has been part of the Esker family since 2014.

Read more insights from Amy Rees